District's 2024 Events
Ross Valley Lodge's 2024 Hiram Award
Worshipful Master Gary Towery PM presented Wor. Brother Juan Cespedes PM with the Hiram Award on the night of their Annual Christmas Party. Worshipful Cespedes PM was their Worshipful Master for five years. Three of those years were during Covid. He has made countless contributions to their Lodge, whether as an officer, as a chef, or whether in his role working on their building in his capacity as a building contractor.
Ross Valley Lodge Annual Christmas Party
Ross Valley Lodge Had a great Christmas Party on Saturday December 18th. The caterer did a great job with the food. Great conversations were had and laughter was often heard. Several members of Mill Valley Lodge and Marin Lodge were present.
Ross Valley Lodge Conferred Fellowcraft Degree
On December 12th, 2024, Ross Valley Lodge conferred the Fellowcraft Degree upon Brother Cesar Mozu. The degree team did a great job that night. Ross Valley was assisted by several members of Marin Lodge who were happy to support one of Ross Valley's newest brethren.
Ross Valley Lodge Conferred Entered Apprentice Degree
On November 21st, Ross Valley Lodge conferred the Entered Apprentice Degree. The candidate enjoyed the degree very much. Ross Valley was assisted by several members of Marin Lodge. A great dinner was held beforehand. Fine dessert and fellowship was had after the degree.
Star of the Redwood's Installation of Officers
On Wednesday, November 20th, 2024, Star of the Redwood's Chapter held its installation of officers. Sister Gerry Thompson PM and her corps of officers were installed. The evening went very well. They would like to acknowledge the members of other chapters who helped out that night. They would also like to thank Sister Marsha Price Past Matron for all of her efforts on behalf of the Chapter that night.
Marin Lodge's Annual Roll Call Dinner
On October 19th, Marin Lodge celebrated its Annual Roll Call Dinner. In addition to the dinner was the presentation of the Diamond Membership Award to their former secretary, Worshipful Brother Victor Adams PM and the presentation of the Hiram Award to Worshipful Brother David Hammond PM, who is serving as their Senior Warden. Brother Paul Robinson of Ross Valley Lodge provided our music accompaniment for the evening.
Mill Valley Lodge Hiram Award Dinner and Presentation
On September 3rd, Mill Valley Lodge presented Wor. Brother Thomas Benoit PM with the Hiram Award. Wor. Tom works very hard on behalf of his Lodge in several regards. He served two years as their Worshipful Master and is now serving as their Senior Warden.
Star of the Redwood's New Member
On Labor Day, September 2nd, 2024, Star of the Redwood's Chapter initiated Brother William Ross of Mill Valley Lodge and Marin Lodge into their Chapter.
2024 Mason of the Year
The 2024 Mason of the Year Award Ceremony was held on Saturday, August 31st at Emma Herbert Park in Beautiful Downtown Bloomfield. Worshipful Gary Towey PM of Ross Valley Lodge received the award on behalf of their candidate Brother Rick Davies. It was a very good event, with great food and two bands.
Our congratulations to Brother Rick Davey of Ross Valley Lodge and Brother Mark Palmer, the Junior Warden of Marin Lodge, for the recognition of their contributions to their Lodges.
For a printable flyer for the event,
please click on Mason of the Year
Mill Valley Lodge Confers Fellowcraft Degree
Mill Valley Lodge conferred the Fellowcraft degree upon Brother Victor Quadros on Tuesday, August 20th, 2024.
Ross Valley Confers Dual Fellowcraft Degrees
Ross Valley Lodge No. 556 conferred the Fellowcraft degrees upon two of their brethren on Thursday, August 6th, 2024. They enjoyed a fine dinner beforehand at 6:30 p.m. Their Degrees were conferred shortly there afterward. All retired to their recreation room after the degrees.
Star of the Redwood's Relay for Life 2024
In July, Star of the Redwood's Chapter OES participated in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life charity event. It was held at the Olive School on Novato on Saturday, July 20th beginning at 12:00 p.m. and ended on Sunday, July 21st at 10:00 a.m. They have done this this each summer for many years, as they have lost a number of their members to cancer. They would to thank all of those who participated. This helped them raise funds for this cause.
Mill Valley Lodge's Double Fellowcraft Degree
Mill Valley Lodge conferred the Fellowcraft degree upon two of their brethren, Brother T. J. Ross and Brother Michael Washington on Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024. It was a good night for ritual in Marin county. Afterwards, all retired to their recreation area for a few toasts, refreshments and conversation.
Mill Valley Lodge's May Entered Apprentice Degree
Mill Valley Lodge conferred the Entered Apprentice Degree on Tuesday, May 21st, 2024.
Mill Valley Lodge's Entered Apprentice Degree
On Tuesday, March 5th, 2024, Mill Valley Lodge conferred the Entered Apprentice Degree upon Mr. Michael Washington. Their degree began promptly. Their officers put on a very good degree. Their candidate enjoyed the experience. Several members from Ross Valley Lodge and a Brother from Marin Lodge were in attendance. In accordance with their tradition, refreshments were served after the degree.
Marin Lodge Confers Entered Apprentice Degree
Marin Lodge conferred the Entered Apprentice Degree the following evening on Wednesday, March 6th, 2024. All brethren present enjoyed the degree. Refreshments were offered after the degree, most remained and enjoyed conversations with other brothers after the degree.
Visitation to Prince Hall Lodge
Earlier this year, several members of Marin Lodge, Mill Valley Lodge and Ross Valley Lodge visited the Prince Hall Lodge in Vallejo for the conferral of the Entered Apprentice degree by their officers.
The Officers of Firma Lodge meeting and the three Masters
of the Marin County Lodges along with some of their Past Masters.
Marin Lodge's 2024 Installed Officers
On December 9th, 2023, the officers of Marin Lodge were installed. Wor. Brother Barry Young PM, a past master of the former Lebanon Pacific Lodge in San Francisco and of Mill Valley Lodge No. 356, was installed as our Worshipful Master for 2024. He was joined by several brethren in new stations for the year. Afterwards, we celebrated with a banquet at Restaurant Chalet Basque in Terra Linda.
Mill Valley Lodge 2024 Officers Installed
The officers of Mill Valley Lodge were installed in their respective offices on Tuesday, December 19th, 2023 at their Lodge. Worshipful Stan Bransgrove PM was cheerfully installed as the Master for 2024. He thanked his corps of officers for their help in the year ahead.
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2023 District Year
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2021 District Year
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2020 District Year
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2019 District Year
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2018 District Year
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2018 District Awards
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2017 District Year