Welcome to Star of the Redwoods Chapter
of the Order of the Eastern Star


Owing to a decision in 2021, by then Grand Master of Masons in California, Arthur Weiss, we that we were then able to begin in person meetings in June 2021. Owing to a recent decision by our Grand Worthy Matron, we are able to meet and we are able to have meals. We are able to hold other special events as well, provided local health protocols are followed.

Upcoming Events

Our second meeting in March
will be on Wednesday, March 19th, 2025.
It will be our Chapter's Annual Brothers Night.
There will be a dinner beforehand at 6:30 p.m.
Potential members are welcome to join us.
Members from other Chapters are welcome as always.
Our meetings begin at 7:30 p.m.

If you are a member and you have a question about any of our upcoming events, or if driving is an issue for you, just contact our secretary, Sister Mimi Davis PM or our Worthy Matron, Sister Gerry Thompson PM and they will help you with your need.

In Memorium

In December 2024, we lost Sister Carol Dacquisto PM. She was a long time member of our Order. She served as the secretary of Marin Star Chapter No. 215 for many years. Her dedication and organizational skill helped the Chapter in many regards. Not the least of which was staying in contact with those who had moved, who were widowed or who could no longer drive. In her career, she was active in Scouting. In her retirement, she also taught bible classes. We wish to offer our condolences to her surviving family.

Recent Events

Annual Chapter Birthday Dinner

On Wednesday February 19th, we celebrated our Chapters Birthday with our annual Chapter Birthday Dinner. We celebrated 120 years of existence, first as Mill Valley Chapter and now as Star of the Redwoods Chapter.

Here was the flyer for the event,
please click on Chapter Birthday Dinner

2025 Installation of Officers

On Wednesday, November 20th, 2024, we held our annual installation of officers. It was a smaller turnout owing to the Wednesday date, but it went flawlessly. We have a full corps of elected officers this year. We would like to thank all of those who participated in the installation, especially Sister Marsha Price PM for her endless preparation on our behalf. We especially wish to congratulate and thank those officers who are willing to serve this year.

Our final regular meeting in 2024 was held on Wednesday, November 5th, 2024. It was our Farewell Night. It was an enjoyable evening. Our Worthy Matron, Sister Patti Stahl PM thanked all of the officers and members who made a contribution during the year.

Reception for Grand Esther

Our biggest social event of the year was a reception for the Grand Esther of California, our very own sister, Sister Eleni Ross PM. It was held on Sunday, September 7th, 2024 at the Sweetwater in Mill Valley. Members from throughout the state attended. It was a big success, even if we do say so ourselves! We are very grateful for those who helped out in the planning and putting it all together.

For a printable flyer for the event,
please click on Reception for Our Grand Esther

New Brother

On Monday, September 2nd, 2024, we initiated Brother William Ross of Mill Valley Lodge and Marin Lodges. The ceremony went very smoothly. We enjoyed refreshments after the ceremony and then headed home.

Passing of a Brother

During summer, we were informed of the passing of Brother Benjamin Butler of our Chapter. A memorial was held at the family home. He was a past patron of our Chapter. He attended almost all of our installations of our officers in recent years. He was a member of Mill Valley Lodge No. 356. He will be missed.

Relay for Life 2024

In July, our Chapter participated in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life charity event. It was held at the Olive School on Novato on Saturday, July 20th. It began at 12:00 p.m. and ended the following day at 10:00 a.m. We have done this each summer for many years, as we have lost a number of our members to cancer. We would like to thank all of those who participated this year. We helped raise $3,300.00 this for this cause this year.

Here was the flyer for our event.
please click on Relay for Life

Youth Night

On April 17th, 2024, we held our Youth Night. It was popular. Fifty-seven former members of Jobes Daughters, Rainbow Girls and DeMolay attended. It was a fun night.

Deputy Grand Matron's Official Visit

April 5th, we had the Official Visit of the Deputy Grand Matron to our Chapter, Sister Vivian Hower PM. She commented favorably about our Chapter in several regards. All in all it was a pleasant and fun evening.

Brother's Night

On March 20th, 2024, we held our Brother's Night celebration. Everyone enjoyed the dinner that we provided, as well as our impromptu pee wee golf tournament which was played after our dinner. Thanks to Sister Jacqueline for providing the equipment and the decorations. We like to acknowledge the men in our organization for their time and effort in supporting us. This has been a fun event over the years, as our members can attest.

Chapter Birthday Night

On February 21st, we celebrated our Annual Birthday Dinner. We enjoyed the meal. We then began our Chapter meeting. As an organization, we have been in existence since 1904. We have much to celebrate, amongst which are our ties amongst our members and that we meet in a very special place, in the Mill Valley Lodge room. Many of our members met here for the first time as members of Masonic Youth Orders, Job's Daughters and Rainbow for Girls.

We have had several meetings since our Installation of Officers, including our Obligation Night. At times, it had been a challenge owing to the weather. At each of our meetings, we have had fun and attended to the business at hand. In January, several of our members attended the All Member Instructional that was hosted by the Grand Chapter.

2024 Installation of Officers

On Sunday, November 20th, 2023, the officers of Star of the Redwoods held its annual installation of officers. Several members of Grand Chapter were present as well as officers and members of other Eastern Star Chapters. We would like to thank all of those who participated in the installation. We especially wish to congratulate and thank those officers who are willing to serve in 2024.

Current Efforts

Star of the Redwoods Is Supporting Marin Diaper Bank

Star of the Redwoods is supporting the Marin Diaper Bank. Owing to the increased need in the community, many parents owing to financial constraints are either postponing diaper changes or reusing old diapers during the day to save money. The Marin Diaper Bank tries to addresss this need. Members of the Chapter are encouraged to send a donation to the Chapter secretary or if members wish, to the Marin Diaper Bank itself. The need for diapers in the county is great.

Patient Comfort Care

For over fifty years, an Eastern Star Chapter in Marin has been involved in Patient Comfort Care. This involved sisters creating supportive pillows for those recovering from surgery.

Star of the Redwoods will resume its Cancer Dressing Stations when COVID has passed.

This Month in Eastern Star

For a printable calendar of current District Events,
please click on This Month in Eastern Star

What We Do

Among the things that we do, when normal conditions permit, we dedicate several hours each month to make patient comfort care items to ease the lives of patients recovering from surgery. In addition, we participate in fundraisers, the proceeds of which go to offset the costs of running our organization and to charities of the Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star in the state of California. We encourage our members to participate. If you are a member and you would like to help, simply call our Secretary, Sister Mimi Davis PM and she will give you the information so that you can participate. Patient Comfort Care will meet agin on the fourth Tuesday of each month at Marin Lodge in San Rafael once Covid 19 is over with. We do this each month, except for the months of November and December.

Our History

Our Chapter was established in 1904 as Mill Valley Chapter 219, Order of the Eastern Star. Our Chapter served the needs of its membership, local Mssonic Youth Groups and local Masonic Lodges for over 100 years. In 2017, the members of Marin Star Chapter No. 215 approached the members of Mill Valley Chapter in order to consolidate into one chapter. The members of Mill Valley Chapter agreed. Star of the Redwoods was chosen as the name of the new Chapter. There was a rich history of each of these organizations. Each of these two Chapters had been a part of their community and their respective Masonic families for over 100 years: Mill Valley Chapter was established in Mill Valley in 1904. Marin Star Chapter was born of the consolidation of three Star Chapters established earlier in three different cities in Marin county: San Rafael, Novato and Larkspur. Our new chapter combines the vibrancy of Mill Valley Chapter and the effort and dedication of the members of Marin Star Chapter and the Chapters that preceded it.