s&c  Marin Lodge No. 191 Free & Accepted Masons

           Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth

Marin Lodge's Recent Events

Master Mason Degree

Brother Payam Behradnia and the Officers from the Degree

Marin Lodge conferred the Master Mason Degree upon Brother Payam Behradnia on Wednesday, January 29th, 2025. It was a great degree. We would like to thank everyone who participated. We would like to especially thank Wor. Brother Victor Hansen PM and Wor. Brother Tom Benoit PM of Mill Valley Lodge and Wor. Brother Gary Towery PM of Ross Valley Lodge for their contributions that evening. Afterward, we retired to the library for refreshments.

Our Installation of Officers

Worshipful Master Palmer with Our Newly Installed Officers

Junior Past Master Wor. Barry Young PM and Worshipful Master Palmer

Our installation of officers was held on Saturday, January 11th, 2025 at our Lodge. Our installation was unusual in that it was a closed installation of officers. It took place at 2:30 p.m. Our new Worshipful Master is Wor. Brother Mark Palmer. He thanked his corps of officers for their service this year. It was followed by a social with appetizers prepared by our Worshipful Brother Tony Tufo PM. We then retired to our homes.

Our thanks to Wor. David Hammond PM and Bro. Jim Redpath for their photos.

Great Fellowcraft Degree

On December 18th, 2024, we conferred the Fellowcraft degree upon two of our Brothers, Brother Jasvinder Rahul and Brother Mark Trease. Our officers did a great job. Our hats off to Wor. Brother Blake Davis PM for his efforts that night. It was a great ritual experience. The Worshipful Master thanked all of the officers for their efforts. We then retired to the library for refreshments and conversation.

Annual Lodge Holiday Party

We had a great time at our Annual Holiday Party held on November 23rd. The venue was Chalet Basque in Terra Linda. The four course dinner was great. We enjoyed the evening with plenty of conversation and fellowship. Our new members came as well as one prospective member. We would like to thank Wor. Brother David David Hammond, SW for making the plans to make it a fun and memorable evening.

Annual Roll Call Dinner

Marin Lodge's Roll Call Dinner was held on October 19th, 2024 at Marin Lodge. This event is a complimentary event held every year for our members and their wives. What was special for this year, was the presentation of the Diamond Membership Award to our former secretary, Worshipful Brother Victor Adams PM and the presentation of the Hiram Award to Worshipful Brother David Hammond PM, who is serving as our Senior Warden. We would like to thank Maple Leaf Catering for their food and their helpful staff and the members of Eastern Star who helped with the set up, helping our members during the meal and clearing the tables when it was all done.

Visitation to Santa Rosa Luther Burbank Lodge

Marin Lodge visited Santa Rosa Luther Burbank Lodge on Thursday, September 26th, 2024 for their conferral of the Fellowcraft degree. We enjoyed their degree work. We had an enjoyable time with their brethren before and after their degree.

We conferred the Fellowcraft Degree upon Brother Payam Behradnia on September 4th, 2024. We had several brothers in attendance from Marin Lodge, Mill Valley Lodge as well as a member of Hollywood Lodge. It was an enjoyable degree. Afterwards, we retired to the Library for dinner and dessert. We would like to thank several of our new members for preparing the meal.

2024 Mason of the Year

The 2024 Mason of the Year Ceremony took place on Saturday, August 31st, 2024 at Emma Herbert Park in Bloomfield, California. Our recipient for this year was our Junior Warden, Brother Mark Palmer. He has worked tirelessly on behalf of the Lodge. He has added many more events and get togethers this year. The spirit of Masonry and fellowship is very much alive in our Lodge. Great BBQ and live music was on hand for the event. We are greatful to the North Bay Masons who put it on.

Here was the flyer for the event,
please click on Mason of the Year

Recent Entered Apprentice Degree

The officers of Marin Lodge conferred the Entered Apprentice Degree upon Mr. Mark Trease on August 28th, 2024. It was a good degree. It was enjoyed by all who were present. Several of our Entered Apprentices were in attendance, as well as visitors from two other Lodges. We then retired to the Library for our customary refreshments.

Two Entered Apprentice Degrees Conferred

On July 24th, 2024, our officers conferred the Entered Apprentice Degree upon Mr. Jasvir Rahul and Dr. Allan Ament. Our officers did a great job conferring the degrees. The degrees went went very well. We then retired to the Lodge library for conversation and refreshments.

Our Newest Entered Apprentice

On May 1st, 2024, our officers conferred the Entered Apprentice Degree upon Mr. Isaac Jenkins. We had a number of guests, including officers and brethren from Firma Lodge in Vallejo, a Prince Hall Lodge. The degree went went very well.

Brother Isaac Jenkins, our officers and brethren from Firma Lodge in Vallejo.

Visitation to Mission Lodge

Four of our officers and one of our members visited Mission Lodge
in San Francisco for their conferral of an Entered Apprentice Degree.

The senior officers of Mission Lodge together with
their candidate and guests after their Entered Apprentice Degree.

Visitation to Prince Hall Lodge

Several members of our Lodge, Mill Valley Lodge and Ross Valley Lodge visited the Prince Hall Lodge in Vallejo for the conferral of the Entered Apprentice degree.

The officers of Firma Lodge with the Masters
of Marin Lodge, Ross Valley Lodge and Mill Valley Lodges.

The officers of Prince Hall Lodge together with WM Young PM

For information about our 2023 Lodge year, please click on
2023 Year

For information about our 2022 Lodge year, please click on
2022 Year

For information about our 2021 Lodge year, please click on
2021 Year

For information about prior Lodge years, please click on
Members' Page

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