Member's Page
Our Current Status Under Covid 19
Owing to an earlier decision in 2021, by then Grand Master Arthur Weiss, we are able to meet for the purpose of holding Stated Meetings and social events so long as we are in conformance with local health protocols.
Donations to LA Fire Victims
Brethren, if you would like to make a donation to the LA Fire Victims, you may do so via the Grand Lodge website at
Upcoming Master Mason Degree
Black History Month
Brethren, we may have an event in the works with the brethren of Firma Lodge in the East Bay, in celebration of Black History Month. When plans are solid, the event will be listed in our Events web page. In addition, here is a flyer regarding an event at the San Rafael Public Library Annex on Fourth Street in San Rafael.
Recent Master Mason Degree
Brother Payam Behradnia and the Officers from the Degree
Marin Lodge conferred the Master Mason Degree upon Brother Payam Behradnia on Wednesday, January 29th, 2025. It was a great degree. We would like to thank everyone who participated. We would like to especially thank Wor. Brother Victor Hansen PM and Wor. Brother Tom Benoit PM of Mill Valley Lodge and Wor. Brother Gary Towery the Worshipful Master of Ross Valley Lodge for their contributions that evening. Afterward, we retired to the library for refreshments.
Our Installation of Officers
Worshipful Master Palmer with Our Newly Installed Officers
Junior Past Master Wor. Barry Young PM and Worshipful Master Mark Palmer
Our thanks to Wor. David Hammond PM and Bro. Jim Redpath for their photos.
Our installation of officers was held on Saturday, January 11th, 2025 at our Lodge. Our installation was unusual in that it was a closed installation of officers. It took place at 2:30 p.m. Our new Worshipful Master is Worshipful Brother Mark Palmer. He thanked his corps of officers for their service this year. It was followed by a social with appetizers prepared by our Worshipful Brother Tony Tufo PM. We then retired to our homes.
Great Fellowcraft Degree
On December 18th, 2024, we conferred the Fellowcraft degree upon two of our Brothers, Brother Jasvinder Rahul and Brother Mark Trease. Our officers did a great job. Our hats off to Wor. Brother Blake Davis PM for his efforts that night. It was a great ritual experience. The Worshipful Master thanked all of the officers for their efforts. We then retired to the library for refreshments and conversation.
Annual Lodge Holiday Party
We had a great time at our Annual Holiday Party that was held at Chalet Basque in Terra Linda. The four course dinner was great. We enjoyed the evening with plenty of conversation and fellowship. Our new members attended as well as one prospective member. We would like to thank Worshipful Brother David Hammond PM, our SW for making the plans to make it a fun and memorable evening.
November Meeting
We held our November meeting and our annual election of officers. Brother Mark Palmer was elected as our Worshipful Master for 2025. Wor. Brother Blake Davis PM was elected as our Senior Warden. The Worshipful Master-elect will announce his appointed officers in the near future.
Annual Roll Call Dinner
Marin Lodge's Roll Call Dinner was held on October 19th, 2024 at Marin Lodge. This event is a complimentary event held every year for our members and their wives. What was special for this year, was the presentation of the Diamond Membership Award to our former secretary, Worshipful Brother Victor Adams PM and the presentation of the Hiram Award to Worshipful Brother David Hammond PM, who is serving as our Senior Warden this year. The presentations were well received. Everyone enjoyed the dinner. We would like to thank Maple Leaf Catering for their delightful food and their helpful staff. We would also like to thank the members of Eastern Star Chapter. They also helped the setup, assisted our members and guests during the meal and the clearing of the tables when it was all done. We would like to thank Brother Paul Robinson of Ross Valley Lodge for his guitar accompaniement.
New Trestleboard For Members
Brethren, if you have not received the new Trestleboard for October and November, contact our secretary, Brother Keith and he will send you a copy via email. He can be reached at
October Meeting
Our October meeting was not particularly well attended. However, after our business was completed, a good number of brethren remained for conversation and fellowship.
August and September Meetings
Our August and September meetings went very smoothly. In September, the Lodge voted on several charitable donations. In each case we were done in a timely fashion.
In Memorium
On Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024, Worshipful Lew Champion PM passed away. He was a Past Master and a well loved member of our Lodge. He had a quiet demeanor and he was a gentleman. In addition to our Lodge, he was a Past High Priest of Marin Royal Arch. He and his late wife, Evy were members of Eastern Star for many years.
Soft and safe to thee my brother be thy resting space.
Great and glorious be thy rising from it.
Business Dress for Fall and Winter Stated Meetings
Brethren, the summer months have passed and we are back to business attire for our remaining meetings of the year.
Elected to Membership
At our August Meeting, the Lodge members present, elected Mr. Mark Trease of Novato to receive the degrees of Masonry in our Lodge.
Help Needed to Put on Lodge Picnic
Brethren, if you are happy with the increased number of activities taking place at the Lodge, we do need a hand. Fellowship Nights take time planning, shopping and preparing the food. This means there is little time left for planning, making reservations and preparing for the picnic. If you would like to help, please call our Junior Warden, Brother Mark Palmer.
Very Happy with the Food + June Stated Meeting
On June 12th, we had our stated meeting dinner at Lao's Restaurant on Fourth Street. We were very happy with the food. Soon there after, we held our June stated meeting. There being only a few points of business, our meeting was over shortly and we retired to the library for conversation.
Two Men Elected to Membership
At our June Meeting, the Lodge members present, elected two men from San Rafael, Mr. Jasvir Rahul and Mr. Alan Ament to receive the degrees of Masonry in our Lodge.
Casual Dress for Summer Stated Meetings
Brethren, Wor. Barry Young PM announced via e-mail and at our June Stated Meeting that the dress for summer months would be casual. It will consist of a tropical Guayabera style shirt and slacks. No jeans, no shorts, no open toe sandals.
Our Hiram Award Recipient Announced
During our May meeting, our Worshipful Master Barry Young PM announced that our 2024 Hiram Award recipient for 2024 is Wor. Brother David Hammond PM. Wor. Brother David is serving as our Senior Warden this year after serving as our WM in 2023. He works very hard to support our Lodge. His award will be presented at a multi district ceremony in Bloomfield, California on August 31st. More details to follow.
A Very Busy Spring
Brethren, we have a had a very busy few months in terms of visiting other Lodges, our Fellowship Nights and the recent conferring of the Entered Apprentice degrees. Visit our Recent Events page for all of the details.
New Video About Our Lodge
Brethren, there is a new video about our Lodge that was produced by the Grand Lodge of California. It can be found on You Tube. Watch here
We hope that you find it enjoyable and a representative of what the Lodge is today.
March Stated Meeting Guest Speaker
Brethren, we had a guest speaker at our March meeting. He was Wor. Bro. Candler Gibson, who is with the California Masonic Foundation, which operated under the Grand Lodge of California. He spoke of Masonic Lodges in Challenging Times such as after the 1906 Earthquake in San Francisco.
Fellowship Nights
Brethren, we will have Fellowship Nights on every Wednesday night when there is not a degree practice, a stated meeting or a school of instruction. We gather together for food, for conversation, for games such as darts. You are welcome to join in. If you arrive after 6:30 or 7:00, just call the Lodge or the Junior Warden and someone will be sent down to let you in. Our Lodge phone number is (415)454-4402.
Winter 2024 News
Brethren, we had a very good February meeting. Three brethren were installed as officers. Some voting took place. We received the annual reports that were due before the Lodge, yet we got out at a decent hour and enjoyed some fellowship afterwards.
We are off to an early start to 2024. As you know, our officers were installed in December. Our Junior Warden is putting a great deal of energy into planning for events for the rest of the year. We have had Fellowship Nights on our free Wednesday evenings during January. Our new Secretary and Treasurer our actively pursuing their new roles. It promises to be a good year.
For information about our current events, please click on our Events page.
Videos from the Grand Lodge of California
The Grand Lodge of California is continuing to offer a series of videos of lecturers of Masonic interest that began in 2020. Our members can access them via the Grand Lodge website at
For information about our 2024 Lodge year, please click on
Our 2024 Events
For information about our 2023 Lodge year, please click on
Our 2023 Events
For information about our 2022 Lodge year, please click on
Our 2022 Events
For information about our 2021 Lodge year, please click on
Our 2021 Events
For information about the 2020 Lodge year, please click on
Our 2020 Events
For information about the 2019 Lodge year, please click on
Our 2019 Events
For information about the 2018 Lodge year, please click on
Our 2018 Events
For information about the 2018 Award Presentations, please click on
Our 2018 Awards
For information about the2017 Lodge year, please click on
Our 2017 Events
For information about the 2017 Award Presentations, please click on
Our 2017 Awards
For information about the 2016 Lodge year, please click on
Our 2016 Events
For information about the 2015 Lodge year, please click on
Our 2015 Events
For information about the 2015 Award Presentations, please click on
Our 2015 Awards
Marin Lodge Officers 1984